Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
— Matthew 25:40

Winter Help
Winter is a difficult time for those in Eastern Europe, but the energy crisis and the war in Ukraine are going to make this winter one of the most challenging winters in recent memory. Local churches across Eastern Europe will use your WinterHelp donation for the following:
Warm clothes
This year, Come Over & Help hopes to raise $145,000 USD for WinterHelp.

Come Over & Help works with local churches in Eastern Europe to provide for those in need. Funds are used to buy warm clothing, fuel, firewood, medicines, and food. Your gifts help ease the often insurmountable burden placed on deacons to provide for those who are needy in their churches.

Thank You!
To those who have supported our WinterHelp campaign year after year, we say thank you! If you are new to Come Over & Help, we welcome you! Your gift will touch the lives of those in need and will provide relief during the uncertain winter months.

Facing the Cold
For over two decades, Come Over & Help supporters have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Christians in Eastern Europe who face difficulties during the long winters. High heating costs and the need for warm clothing compounds the financial straits that many families find themselves in, in places like Ukraine or Romania.
Come Over & Help reserves the right to redirect restricted gifts to similar projects if the need has been met or the Board determines that the project cannot be completed.