Where We Work
Albania is located just above Greece in the Balkan Peninsula and hugs the coastline of the Adriatic Sea. The modern state of Albania came into existence in 1912. Following the 2nd World War, the country became a satellite state of the USSR, which severely curtailed religious freedoms; in fact, in 1967 Albania was declared the world’s first atheistic state. When the communist system disintegrated in the early 1990’s, the country began a process of westernization, having joined NATO and in process of joining the EU.
Diaconal Ministry
The blind are among the most vulnerable and poor in Albania. For 2024, we are partnering with Way of Peace Church in Fier, to supply food parcels to 100 families 3 times per year. In addition, we will be purchasing equipment to make blind people’s lives better and more independent. The longer-term goal is to proclaim the gospel and gather the blind into local Reformed churches to worship the living God.
Theological Education
Come Over & Help is also partnering with IGNIS ministry, whose mission is to ‘encourage, resource and equip local churches and church planting initiatives in spiritual and organizational matters so that they can fulfill their mission to be salt and light in Albania’. This is done by publishing Reformed books, videos and articles, and engaging Albanians through their website and social media.
Church Partnership
We are partnering with Light Church and Faith Bible Church, both located in the capital city of Tirana. These active churches are reaching out to the lost about them and seeking to share the gospel in their community.
Armenia is part of the Caucasus region and borders Turkey to the south and Georgia to the north. Armenia gained its independence in 1991 following the dissolution of the USSR. The Armenian people have suffered genocide under the Ottoman Empire, and terrible repression under the USSR. Today, Armenia is a republic and is considered to be an emerging democracy.
Home for Kurds
Through your support, Come Over & Help is partnering with Home for Kurds to bring the gospel to the Kurdish people in Armenia. This organization, based in the Netherlands, is led by Faraidoun and Wesseline Fouad.
Bible Translation and Publication
A new Bible version is needed in Eastern Armenian, translated directly from the original languages. We are helping Christians for Armenia with this translation project.
Belarus is officially a free country; however, in practice, the government restricts basic human rights and does not uphold the rule of law. Other national governments have expressed grave concerns over the lack of true democratic principles in what has been referred to as “Europe’s last dictatorship”. The government directly or indirectly discourages and restricts the activities of religious groups beyond the Belarusian Orthodox Church. In order to assist the Reformed church community in Belarus, Come Over & Help has a number of local pastors we partner with to provide support.
Church Partnership
Come Over and Help is assisting 15 small-village congregations in Belarus. By providing our support, the pastors are freed to give more time to study and ministry. Bible Conferences for church members and Pastor’s Conferences, which aim to instruct and mature the church, are held regularly as well.
We are also helping local churches with their diaconal ministries, as they assist needy families inside and outside the church, particularly during the difficult winter months.
Theological Education
Minsk Reformed Seminary is partnering with Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids MI to train men for gospel ministry. Come Over & Help is helping this endeavor by renting space in the Belarusian capital city of Minsk. In addition, we are providing a stipend to 8 young seminarians as they prepare for pastoral ministry; our assistance allows them to focus full-time on studies and ministry in their local churches.
The Czech Republic is the home to John Huss, one of the great Reformers. Sadly, the Czech Republic has strayed from its Reformed moorings and is now considered to be one of the most atheistic countries in Europe. Though the Czech people suffered heavy repression as an East Bloc state under the Communist regime of the USSR, the Czech Republic is now an independent country and an EU member. Great economic strides have been made since the fall of the USSR.
Church Partnership
Come Over & Help is partnering with a church plant in Kuřim, which is under the leadership of Pastor Radek Kolařík.
We are helping Didasko Publishing put out great Reformed titles in the Czech language.
Czech Republic
Pastor Training
We are supporting a young man who will be interning at the church while completing his seminary training.
In the heart of Eurasia, Georgia sits between the Black Sea and Russia. Georgia has had a turbulent history of conflict and strife. It emerged as an independent country after the fall of the USSR. Today, Georgia is considered a developing country and has stabilized after decades of turmoil.
Home for Kurds
Through your support, Come Over & Help is partnering with Home for Kurds to bring the gospel to the Kurdish people in Armenia. This organization, based in the Netherlands, is led by Faraidoun and Wesseline Fouad.
Since the fall of the USSR, Hungary has made great leaps to becoming a stable and financially secure nation. In 2004, Hungary became a member of the EU and continues to integrate with Western Europe. While the economy and the living conditions in Hungary continue to improve, spiritual life in Hungary languishes and the church is in need of reformation and renewal.
Church Partnership
Come Over & Help is helping the churches and church plants of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe (RPCCEE) to develop a publishing ministry, hold conferences, evangelize and plant churches.
Kazakhstan is the largest land-locked country in the world (meaning there is no outlet to the oceans). It has vast natural resources and a widely diverse geography. The population of about 18 million is predominantly Kazakh and Muslim; less than 2% would be considered evangelical Christians. Officially freedom of religion is permitted, but religious leaders who oppose the government are suppressed, and in reality, there are heavy restrictions on freedom of assembly, speech and religion. To be a Christian here carries a real possibility of persecution. Come Over & Help is currently supporting a church plant in the city of Almaty.
By God's grace, in the past years, the first Reformed books in the Kazakh language have been published with our assistance. Very recently, a Kazakh Bible Dictionary has been completed, and is now freely available as an app! The entries are all written from a biblically faithful perspective.
To intensify and develop Kazakh publishing, the Janaru Publishing House has been established. We are helping by funding a publishing manager position, book promotions, and the 'Equip a Pastor' program which will supply Kazakh pastors with about 16 great books each year
Latvia is the middle of the three Baltic states just west of Russia. During the last century the people of Latvia suffered greatly: first during the two world wars, and then under Soviet communism. Historically Lutheran following the Reformation, there are but few remnants of the historical Reformed presence in Latvia. The first Reformed church was replanted only in 1990. However, despite the smallness of the Reformed Church in Latvia today, it is a delight to see how, in their own words, this denomination is convinced that “the Word ministry (teaching and preaching of the Bible) is the front line of Christian mission”. Come Over & Help seeks to promote and support the young Latvian Reformed community in several meaningful ways.
Church Partnership
Several graduates of BRTS are laboring as pastors in and around Riga. Alvis Sauka and Ungars Gulbis both pastor established congregations. Martins Martinsons, a BRTS graduate, has more recently planted a church in Pardaugava, the university sector of Riga; under God's blessing, the church is thriving.
The Reformed churches in Latvia are focused on outreach, using 1-to-1 Bible reading as a means of bringing God’s Word to others.
One of the pastors supported by Come Over & Help, Ungars Gulbis, is engaged in radio ministry. His Sunday sermons are formatted for radio and broadcast each week. There have been expressions of interest from many, and some have visited the Reformed churches. As a result of this ministry, Pastor Gulbis has also been invited to participate in several on-air forums, and to broadcast devotionals on the Christian radio station.
Pastor Training
Baltic Reformed Theological Seminary is located on rented premises on the second floor of an old building in the capital city of Riga. BRTS was founded in 1998 to provide evangelical theological education for students in the Baltic states, inviting qualified instructors from America, Canada and Europe. Alvis Sauka is the President of the seminary, and has been a catalyst for bringing many in Latvia to a Reformed understanding of Scripture and theology. Artis Celmins is the director of the seminary.
Increasingly, Reformed churches in western Russia, as well as in other Russian-speaking countries like Kazakhstan and Belarus, are looking to BRTS to provide theological training for their men.
A recent exciting development is the establishment of an extension project in Jekabpils in central Latvia. This study group was formed in response to a group of church leaders who had a strong desire to learn more about Reformed theology and lead their church in that direction. We praise God for this development!
Lithuania declared itself independent from the Soviet Union in 1990. It remains a needy nation, economically and especially spiritually. Fewer than 1% of Lithuanians would consider themselves Lutheran or Reformed, and most of these would be nominal and/or liberal. Reformed orthodoxy in this nation is presently very weak.
Come Over & Help sponsors an annual conference, designed to deepen and strengthen the church leaders and beyond. To date, conferences have been held on the topics of Preaching the Word, led by Pastor Ian Macleod, Christian Counseling, led by Rev. Mark Kelderman and his wife Donna, and Marriage and Family Relationships led by Dr. Jim Newheiser
Located in Central Europe, Poland has a long and rich history. Following World War II, in which the Polish people suffered terribly, it became a satellite state of the Communist Bloc. However, since the dissolution of the USSR 1989 and following, Poland established itself as a democratic republic, joined the EU, and is making good strides in developing economically and socially.
However, while progress has been made on many fronts in the past decades, Poland is an important mission field with great spiritual need. Only about 0.25% of all Poles would be broadly considered Protestant. (For comparison, 0.34% of Saudi Arabians are Protestant!) The Roman Catholic Church is losing its influence on the younger generation, due to the scandals within the Roman Catholic Church. As people become disillusioned with the Catholic Church, they become skeptical about faith. Many would still say that they believe in God but have no time for the church. This context creates an opportunity for the Protestant church in Poland, an opportunity that has never existed before in the country, and one which Come Over & Help is taking advantage of.
Church Partnership
Come Over & Help partners with Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church in Krakow and The Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Warsaw. Come Over & Help has also partnered with MW Publishing in Krakow.
Despite many natural resources and a favourable climate and recent economic growth, Romania remains one of the economically poorest countries in Europe, particularly in the rural areas. This is due to a turbulent history with regular periods of unrest and violence, and ongoing corruption in all levels of government. Richard Wurmbrand, the well-known pastor who suffered much for his faith, and eventually came to North America to become a voice for the persecuted church, was from Romania. Today about 3% of Romanians, the majority of whom are ethnic Hungarians, identify themselves as Reformed. In Romania, COAH is privileged to partner with a number of organizations, all of which are focused on spreading the gospel and demonstrating the love of Christ by providing assistance to the neediest in church and society.
Church Partnership
Come Over & Help is assisting several church plants of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as the Asociatia Presbiteriania Crestina church in Mangalia.
Children & Youth Ministry
Come Over & Help is supporting several children’s homes in central and western Romania: Kajantho Maria Children’s Home in Alesd and Emaus House in Targu Mures. The children are brought to these homes as actual or social orphans (meaning their parent(s) are unable or unwilling to care for them). At these homes, the children receive love and care and the gospel message which they would otherwise not receive. They also attend church and become part of that community.
Christian Endeavor Mission (CE)
Christian Endeavour in Oradea is a vibrant and extensive mission committed to reaching out to the neediest in their community with the ministry of the Word and the ministry of mercy.
The ministries that run out of this organization include 10 different Bible study groups targeting different ages and profiles
Julia Daily Care Program for at-risk children
Naomi’s Smile Elderly Care Program providing spiritual care, home care, social meetings
Support group for people struggling with alcohol, drug and gambling addictions
Easter and Christmas evangelism program
Community meetings for parents, at-risk families
Summer camps for young people from at-risk families
Handicap care – support group
Christian literature for churches and hospital and prison distribution
Food bank
Thrift store – fundraising and building relationships and community connection
Russia is the largest country in the world by surface area. Much of the population is concentrated in the western part. Decades of communism and brutal rule have deeply scarred the nation, and the effects are everywhere. Today, under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has re-emerged as an aggressive and forceful player on the world stage. While most of the West disapproves of this, many Russians admire Putin for the order and national pride he has established. Religious life is dominated by the Russian Orthodox Church; fewer than 1% of Russians are Protestant. Increasingly religious freedoms are being restricted in Russia, and in particular mission and evangelism activities have been greatly limited. In these increasingly hostile circumstances, we are privileged to partner with a number of ministries and pastors who continue to shine forth the light of the gospel, in both word and in deed.
Church Partnership
Come Over & Help is supporting 20 churches in Russia, mainly in Yakutia. Many of their pastors minister to small rural congregations who lack the means to support their pastor. Our gospel partnership allows the pastors to focus their attention and energy on their ministries rather than side employment.
Theological Education
We are supporting a Bible school led by Pastor Alexander Khitrov of ‘Source of Life Baptist Church’ in Tyumen. It is open to local pastors currently in ministry, and all courses are taught from a Reformed perspective. In this way, biblical theology and worldview is being shared, and helps the pastors in their growth and understanding of the glorious truths of Scripture.
We are also helping Tyumen Reformed Bible School, a Presbyterian seminary, by providing stipends to seminarians who have financial needs, as well as assisting with administrative needs.
In the north of Russia and particularly Siberia, there are numbers of remote, inaccessible villages. However, during the winter months, the rivers and lakes freeze, creating a ready-made highway. During these months, each year a group of pastors head north on a lengthy and treacherous circuit, to bring the gospel to these villages, and to strengthen and assist the believers.
A Street Children Outreach seeks to provide assistance to children lacking parental care; in Russia, alcohol abuse wreaks havoc in many homes. This project involves providing clothing, Christian literature and other care to these children.
Children and Youth
A number of children from impoverished Christian families in Yakutia receive financial assistance through the local church.
Winter Help
Needy families and individuals suffering during the cold winter months receive assistance from the deacons of the local church, whether it be food, clothing, fuel for heating, or help paying bills.
Serbia is a central Balkan nation. While it is considered today to be a parliamentary republic, its history is one of war and struggle. Unemployment in Serbia is high, and poverty is ubiquitous. Eastern Orthodoxy dominates religious life, and protestants account for less than 1% of the population. Come Over and Help seeks to promote and support the small Serbian reformed community in several meaningful ways
Theological Education
Each spring Come Over & Help sponsors a Pastor’s Conference in Serbia. About 100 pastors and church leaders from Serbia and the neighboring countries, who have a love for classic Reformed theology and piety, gather for several days to be instructed out of God’s Word.
We also help great Reformed books get published in Serbian; these are promoted and distributed at the conference and throughout the year.
Balkan Theological Faculty
We are supporting theological students of this Reformed institution as they do internships in local churches, as well as help with the administration of the seminary.
Come Over & Help supports the work of evangelists who travel throughout south Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro. In addition we are working with evangelists seeking to establish a church in Zajecar, Serbia.
Ukraine is a large country with rich soils and many resources. Yet it remains, after Moldova, the poorest country in Europe. Its history, both distant and recent, is one of conflict and trouble. The Protestant church suffered much under communist rule. Today the church remains small and fragile, and, as in many other places, susceptible to heresy and division. Yet, thanks be to God, there are faithful men and gospel workers laboring here, spreading the Word of God and reaching out to the needy. We are partnering with a large number of ministries and pastors in Ukraine, all dedicated to the advance of the gospel, using a tremendous variety of ways and means.
Rehabilitation Centres
A significant ongoing outreach to prisoners and drug addicts is part of the ministry of some local churches in Ukraine. These centers admit ex-prisoners and those enslaved to addiction. Living there full-time, they are given the supports needed to overcome debilitating habits and deficits. Life skills are taught with the goal of eventual re-integration into society. Most importantly the men and women in this program have the gospel brought to them daily, and by God’s grace and the power of the gospel, many lives are transformed.
We are partnering with a number of pastors and ministry workers involved in various outreaches. Often material help is combined with gospel ministry. These include:
Prison, Hospital and Orphanage Ministries: Bible studies, one-on-one meetings, gospel preaching
Refugee Assistance: providing for basic needs and reaching out with the gospel to those in need
Soup Kitchen Outreach: providing meals for the homeless and down-and-out
Refugee Assistance: the war with Russia has caused many to flee from the east and from the war zones; many churches across Ukraine are helping refugees with basic necessities and re-starting their lives
Children's Ministry
Come Over & Help partners with a number of programs across Ukraine that are anchored in the local church, and reach out to at-risk children growing up in poverty and need. Go to our ‘Children & Youth Ministries’ page for details.
Theological Education & Training
Come Over & Help is partnering with the Evangelical Reformed Seminary of Ukraine (ERSU) by supplying partial funding for 3 Ukrainian national professors.
For many years, we have also been partnering with the International Counseling Institute (Coram Deo), which trains the church to provide soundly biblical counseling for its members, rather than the more common secular psychology, thinly papered over with a Christian veneer. Additionally, we’ve begun a partnership with Kharkiv Presbyterian Church to provide Bible School training to aspiring pastors who cannot attend seminary full-time, to current pastors as a means of refreshing and deepening their ministry, and to men aspiring to, or already serving as office-bearers in the church.
COAH is partnering with several ministries which translate, publish and distribute solid Reformed literature.