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Writer's pictureGreg Slingerland

WinterHelp in Belarus

Seniors and the most vulnerable are impacted the most by the harsh conditions winter brings in Eastern Europe. Your help makes a big difference though!

Meet Valentina and read about your WinterHelp has made an impact on her life:

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters!

I sincerely thank you all for your love for me! I am very grateful to you for your help this winter!!

I have been disabled for recent years. At the moment I don't have both legs. Due to various diseases, unfortunately, they had to be amputated: first one, then the other...

Despite this, I do not lose heart: I have a Savior Christ and a local Church that also takes care of me. Brothers and sisters from the Church bring me in a wheelchair to services. They also gave me help from you.

Given my illness and age (I am already 83 years old), I need a large amount of medication. Thanks to your help, I was able to buy some of them! For this I thank God and all of you!

May the Lord bless you and give you strength every day!!

With gratitude, in Christ, Sister Valentina.

Valentina and her daughter

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