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A Call to Fasting and Prayer

Writer: Come Over & HelpCome Over & Help

In the face of imminent threat, King Jehoshaphat called the whole nation to fast and pray. Then during that fast and prayer time the Lord spoke to the nation and assured them that He Himself will defeat the enemies. He told the nation to stand against the enemies not to fight, but to watch God’s deliverance. They did exactly that with the Levites who sang, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His steadfast love endures forever” (2 Chronicles 20:21). I would like for us to glean some wisdom from this amazing account.

1) In the face of great trouble, we need to fast and pray. In other words, exercise trust towards God instead of anxiety, which is nothing else but self-trust. How do I trust God? I pray and fast because these are the signs/ instruments of trusting God. I express my trust towards God through fasting and prayer.

2) Do what God’s word tells you to do. Do it boldly and unreservedly. Jehoshaphat could have said to himself, “Why stand against them if God fights for us? Why expose ourselves to potential harm?” But he obeyed the Word of God. It’s important to pray and fast in conjunction with obedience to the Lord. Don’t pray if you are disobedient towards God’s Word. It’s only the obedient children that please God with their prayers and fasting.

3) The real tests of our relationship with the Lord are problems in life that we cannot resolve on our own. What do we do in such cases? Our response will either strengthen and embolden our faith or will make us angrier and more self-reliant.

Therefore let us actively trust God through fasting and prayer.

With much love, Pastor Denis Boris Maranatha Church, Almaty, Kazakhstan

P.S. Please pray for us. Pray that: • We would be bold in sharing the Gospel with the unbelievers (here are the names of some: Timur, Igor, Maxim, Farhad, Gleb) • God’s name would be made known through our book publishing and audio books • God would keep the unity of the church for His glory • God would raise new leaders in our church • God would bless our internship program initiative


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