e-TRANSFER (Canada only)
Donations to Come Over & Help Canada via Interac e-Transfers can be sent to info@coah.org. If you are new to us, please send an email to the same address with your name and address so we will be able to issue a tax receipt.
Make a cheque (check) out to ‘Come Over and Help’ and mail to the following address:
Canadian Mailing Address:
PO Box 275 Stn Main
Brantford, ON
N3T 5M8
U.S. Mailing Address:
5355 Northland Drive NE, Suite C # 113
Grand Rapids, MI
Securities (stocks, bonds etc.) can be donated to Come Over & Help. Please email us at info@coah.org for details about how.
Ways to Give
Passing on freely the gifts that God has entrusted to us is a privilege. Many of us living here in North America have been blessed with an abundance of material goods, beyond even what we require to provide for our own needs, and so in God’s providence, we have been able to give to His kingdom – church, school, missions and more. If we have been able to give to various causes, we know the truth of Scripture that says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
No doubt our thoughts also go to the time when we must leave these accumulated resources behind. How can I leave a legacy behind that reflects my priorities and will provide maximum impact to God’s kingdom, even after I am gone? How can I wisely and most effectively release my assets and be a faithful steward? How can I best pass on my resources to the charities I love, by minimizing estate taxation and maximizing advantages? Can I give things besides money? There are a number of factors and possibilities to consider in the whole realm of Planned Giving.
The help, tips and information provided here are of a general nature and will not necessarily apply to every situation. Also, some of the information will not be pertinent to both Canadians and Americans alike. The information does not constitute legal or financial advice but is merely intended to give you some initial direction and things to consider as you make your plans with your legal and financial professionals.
When giving to Come Over & Help, please use the following information for legal documents:
For Americans:
Come Over and Help Organization
5355 Northland Drive NE, Suite C #113
Grand Rapids MI
United States of America
Charitable Status #: 38-3415486
For Canadians:
Come Over and Help Aid Organization Inc.
PO Box 275 Stn Main
Brantford ON
N3T 5M8
Charitable Reg. #: 86 810 9091 RR0001
Maximizing your Giving
George and Ann have four children. Their after-tax estate is valued at $600,000. Their Children are comfortably well off.
Example #1 - $600,000 estate is simply divided between their 4 children
Example #2 - The $600,000 estate is split evenly between the four children, plus and additional "child" named Charity ($120,000 per child). The Charitable donation generates a tax credit of $60,000, which is then split between the 4 children.
A proportionally small reduction in the amount giving to each of your children could lead to a substantial gift to the ministries that have meant a great deal to you. Careful planning of your estate can maximize the impact and legacy you leave behind.
Our Commitments:
We commit to using your gifts in a way that ensures impact, accountability, transparency, and stewardship.
We are members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and affiliate members of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC).
Our books are professionally audited each year by Vine and Partners LLP Chartered Professional Accountants (Hamilton ON) for Come Over & Help Canada; Kiekover, Scholma & Schumaker PC Certified Public Accountants (Zeeland MI) perform an annual compilation for Come Over & Help USA.
We commit to stewarding your generous giving with care and integrity. After an extensive review of each project, the board and staff set a budget for the upcoming year, leaving some funds unassigned so that we can respond to needs as they arise during the year. The graphs below show how your gifts will be used in 2023 DV. The total budget for 2023 is $1 851 000 USD or $2 500 000 CAD.
Restricted Gifts
Restricted gifts will always be used for designated projects with the understanding that if the need has been met or the Board determines that the project cannot be completed, the gift will be used for a project where the need is the greatest.