Children and Youth
In you the fatherless finds mercy.
— Hosea 14:3

Daily Care Programs
These evangelistic after-school programs in Ukraine and Romania welcome neglected or at-risk children after school hours end (as early as noon). At the daily care center, they receive a meal, assistance with their schoolwork, play time, life skill development, and Bible lessons. Some children also receive the opportunity to develop skills in areas of special interest, such as art, sports, English lessons and needlework. In addition, parents or caregivers of the children are also invited to special events and training seminars, where the gospel is also shared. This intervention in these formative years has, under God’s blessing, changed the life trajectory of many at-risk youth!
Children's Homes
Come Over & Help is partnering with 2 Christian children’s homes in Romania. Local at-risk children, both actual and social orphans, are welcomed to these homes, and receive a safe, loving Christian upbringing.
Our partner, Emmaus House, provides a home for orphaned children in Târgu Mureș Romania

Abuse. Neglect. Violence.
These jarring words describe the growing-up years of countless young people in our broken world. Now add the dimensions of divorce, poverty, unemployment and alcoholism rampant in Eastern Europe, and the innocent, carefree years of youth become a nightmare for many. Come Over & Help partners with churches and ministries that reach out to at-risk children and teens to break this vicious cycle and give hope, healing and the transforming gospel message.
About this Project

Partnering For Change
Come Over & Help supports a variety of additional youth ministries that, for example, reach out to street kids, provide summer camps to at-risk kids, help young adults through a mentorship program, supply financial assistance for families with adopted children, and run clubs for neighbourhood teens.